Friday, October 14, 2011

(CNN) - The new monument in Washington and dedicated to the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., attracts thousands of Americans and foreign tourists. And 'last official day in the sun on Sunday. Then the federal government officially owns the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial is the National Mall.

This weekend in Washington should not be a destination, however. Consideration should be given a new section of a long journey to America that King spoke of 48 years when he gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. When a quarter of a million attended the historic 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the nation's capital also was not so much a destination but a journey.

And 'the journey to Alpha Phi Alpha King many of the fraternity brothers had heart a spark of the campaign to build a monument in his honor. They do not know the idea of ​​a small tribute to the monument would be what it is today. Members of the Society are aware that young people in Atlanta who joined the fraternity in 1952 at Boston University should be a world leader, and a historical figure who has inspired millions of people.

Rick Blalock

Historical fraternity, Robert Harris, a professor of history at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, says that the idea of ​​the monument began 28 years ago when his brother, George Sealey and his wife sitting at the kitchen table, said to be a tribute to the King in Washington. Harris says he got the idea after seeing President Reagan comes into law the King holiday bill in the fall of 1983.

Sealey, then living in Silver Spring, Maryland, brought together four other men in his local Alpha chapter, and the idea came from the mission of the national fraternity. The tax production and fundraising plans, drawings, sketches, and galvanizing public support for the Alpha Phi Alpha, convinced Congress and the key elements of executive power, including the Ministry of the Interior and the White House, the Green light for the project.

The King brothers' dream is now reality.

Singing MLK Memorial Angelou critical step King Memorial

"Many people do not believe that it could build, but we managed, through hard work throughout the country," said Herman "Skip" Mason Jr., general president of the fraternity. "In our store, we have worked with community groups to increase support for local leaders to members of Congress, pushing for what was important and why they were willing to do whatever it takes to make the monument happen."

It would also be raising $ 120 million.

Alpha Phi Alpha has the largest contingent of people to donate about $ 3,000,000. There are thousands of other private citizens, who also gave the children who raised dollars for school events. The U.S. government allocated 10 million shares of funding, and the rest came from nearly 100 sponsors.

Thousands of people have settled in Washington on August 28 at the opening and dedication. That was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington.

But Hurricane Irene came and upset the plans of each.

It would be a great party, an international celebration not seen in Washington since the inauguration of President Obama in 2009.

Brotherhood is not a private devotion that had more than 26 August 5000, before the rest of the weekend events were canceled.

This weekend, the government of the event can be a bit smaller than the originally planned celebration, but it will still have power stars and a festive flair. The president will speak, civil rights legends tell stories of struggle and we will hear about the long journey to build this monument interesting. In addition, he will have a link to a historic day in America: October 16th is the anniversary of the Million Man March in 1995.

But the question remains, what will really happen after all the pomp and circumstance? What lessons will be learned and used?

This year, King would have turned 82. It would be in the club of the warriors of the civil rights veterans have done for the 21 st century. The Rev. Joseph Lowery iconic co-founder of the Christian Leadership Conference with King South, turned 90 last week. Many are now in their later years. That in March at a slower pace many cadence, with a third leg. Some are pushed in wheelchairs. Many say the monument is a wonderful and deserved tribute to a man who helped America in search of his soul. A man who has shown the country how citizens can - and should - be treated regardless of race, color, creed or social status.

None of us knows what King would think of all the euphoria surrounding the monument, but my guess is that it looks like we still have much work to do.

You do not need to look far for proof that he would be right.

A recent survey by the Pew Research Center shows that the wealth gap between whites and blacks and Hispanics has grown by leaps and bounds. According to Pew, "the average wealth of white families is 20 times greater than that of black households and 18 times that of Hispanic households."

Clearly then the King memorial must be more than just a "stone of hope." It should be more than just another tourist site we put on our maps. We must revive the enthusiasm of the people in these issues King was concerned. It should be a living monument. He has to transform the lives of those who will travel to see up close.

"Alpha males who originally promoted the idea of ​​a monument has been not only to honor the king, but as a source of inspiration for schoolchildren who visit the capital every year," said Harris. "To have this memorial to the king could be a source of inspiration, as they return home."

Sealey never saw his dream come true. He died several years ago. But now the world has the opportunity to enjoy this dream and see Martin Luther King Jr. in a new direction. However, it will mean nothing if we do not work and a sense of what we learn of this monument.

Source : cnn



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