Sukhoi aircraft that crashed on Mount Salak has been found, but because the weight of the mountainous terrain difficult evacuation team to the crash site
Here's a list of 47 names of victims Sukhoi Superjet 100 passenger Flight No: 36 801 Owned Russian Civilian version:
1. Kornel M Sihombing, PT DI, Indonesia
2. Edie Satriyo , Pelita Air, Indonesia
3. Darwin Pelawi, Pelita air, Indonesia
4. Gatot Purwoko, pelita air, indonesia
5. Budi Rizal, Putra Artha Dirgantara, Indonesia
6. Syafruddin, Carpediem Mandiri, Indonesia
7. Peter Adler, Sriwijaya, USA
8. Herman Suladji, Air Maleo, Indonesia
9. Donardi Rahman, Aviastar, Indonesia
10.Anton Daryanto, Indonesia Air Transport, Indonesia
11.Arief Wahyudi, PT Trimarga Rekatama, Indonesia
12.Haidir Rachsin, PT catur Daya Prima, Indonesia
13.Nam Tran, Snecma, Prancis
14.Rully Darmawan, Indo asia, Indonesia
15.Ahmad Fazal, Indo Asia, Indonesia
16.Insan Kamil, Indo Asia, Indonesia
17.Edwar Edo M, Indo Asia, Indonesia
18.Ismie, Trans TV, Indonesia
19.Aditya Sukardi, Trans TV, Indonesia
20.Dody Aviantara, Majalah Angkasa, Indonesia
21.DN Yusuf, Majalah Angkasa, Indonesia
22.Femi, Bloomberg News, Indonesia
23.Stephen Kamaci, Indo Asia, Indonesia
24.Kapten Aan, Kartika, Indonesia
25.Yusuf Ari Wibowo, Sky, Indonesia
26.Maria Marcella, Sky, Italia
27.Henny Stevani, Sky, Indonesia
28.Mai Syarah, Sky, Indonesia
29.Dewi Mutiara, Sky, Indonesia
30.Sussana Vamella, Sky, Italia
31.Nur Ilmawati, Sky, Indonesia
32.Rossy Withan, Sky, Indonesia
33.Anggi, Sky, Indonesia
34.Aditya, Sky, Indonesia
35.Yabloncev, Sukhoi, Rusia
36.Kirkin, Sukhoi, Rusia
37.Kochetkov, Sukhoi, Rusia
38.Martishenko, Sukhoi, Rusia
39.Rakhimov, Sukhoi, Rusia
40.Shvetsov, Sukhoi, Rusia
41.Grebenshikov, Sukhoi, Rusia
42.Kurzhupova, Sukhoi, Rusia
43.Salim K, Sky, Indonesia
44.Ade Arisanti, Sky, Indonesia
45.Raymond Sukando, Sky, Indonesia
46.Santi, Sky, Indonesia
47.Ganis Arman Zuvianto, Indonesia Air Transport, Indonesia

hello, pls kindly be advised Five others were supposed to be on the plane but were not:
ReplyDelete1. Budi Rizal (Putra Artha Dirgantara)
2. Syafrudin (Carpediem Mandiri)
3. Andika Monoarfa (Sigap Dasa Perkasa)
4. Suharso Monoarfa (Manhattan Group)
5. Edy Saryoko (Gatary) . So altogether there 45 victims, now have been identified by our DVI team. thanks .
Some need to be fix:
ReplyDelete- Only 45 victims NOT 47 !?
- Susana Famela Rompas NOT Sussana Vamella ?